On the radio

I was on Chicago Public Radio WBEZ’s “Eight Forty-Eight” show this morning with a story I reported on the original 1902 stage version of The Wizard of Oz. You can stream it or download it here.

AND I will be back on the radio between 2 and 3 p.m. Wednesday (April 29) — on WBEZ’s sister station, Vocalo, WBEW 89.5 FM or http://vocalo.org/stream. I’ll be taking part in a discussion with other bloggers about Chicago’s local music.

The whole show, “I Love Local Music Event: The state of Local Music,” goes from 1-4 p.m. In the first hour, Keith Jackson, Gary musician and cousin of the Jackson 5, discusses “What happened to live music in Gary, Ind., and what does local music really mean to the community?” From 2-3 p.m., I’ll be part of a panel including bloggers from the Chicago Record Project, the Chicago Independent Music Review and FakeshoreDrive. From 3-4 p.m., the topic is “Where to hear and get heard on line?” with Crown Point’s Asteria, Chris Baum on the local artist’s promo site Fanfound, Rob Lambert of WaxFM.com and social media blogger Keidra Cheney. Vocalo will be Twittering about the show at http://twitter.com/Vocalo and taking calls and comments at (888) 635-1112 and at http://vocalo.org.

Talking about Chicago’s ‘Blond Boss’

Chicago Public Radio WBEZ aired Alison Cuddy’s interview with me on the “Eight Forty-Eight” show this morning. I talked about my recent Huffington Post article on William Lorimer, who was known as the “Blond Boss” of the Chicago Republican machine a century ago. Lorimer was kicked out of the U.S. Senate after allegations were reported that he’d obtained his Senate seat through bribery. Sound familiar?

The WBEZ program will be archived online here.

And here’s my Huffington Post article.