Waco Brothers Dec. 27 at Schubas

I believe this was my 100th concert of 2006 (counting each day of a music festival as one concert), which is a record for me. More coming soon on my favorite shows of the year…
The Waco Brothers played around this time last year, and although they’ve seemed ubiquitous in Chicago at times, they’ve been pretty quiet lately. It was great to see them again. As I walked up to Schuabs, I noticed a big white van parked outside, similar to the one that was used when Neko Case recorded her live album here. Sure enough, the Wacos were taping at this show and the following night for a live album. What we got was basically a Wacos’ greatest hits, played with their usual intensity and humor. There was a ton of banter between songs that probably won’t make it onto the album, although I do hope they leave on a few of the choice bits. Jon Langford’s amp stopped working a few songs into the show, which created an awkward pause, some jokes and a few improvised numbers without Langford’s guitar. Then the guitarist for the opening act showed up with his amp, and the day was saved. The show ended with “Folsom Prison Blues” seguing into “Interstellar Overdrive.” That must be the only time in history those songs have been smashed together.
Click here or on the photo above to see my photos of the Waco Brothers at Schubas.